Become a Supporter.
Staffordshire Digital's mission is to support the digital place-shaping of Staffordshire. Become a supporter (patron) and help us to achieve this. Support our work and together we can make a difference and position the region and its identity at the forefront of digital change by demonstrating the current and future potential of digital and tech innovation in the region.
By becoming a supporter you’ll be helping Staffordshire Digital to:
Provide a platform that will enable the region’s digital/tech sector to showcase its expertise & services and the development and sharing of insights into the regional digital ecosystem.
Stimulate, catalyse, and galvanise the development of digital/tech activities across the region.
Share and promote business development and growth opportunities.
Strengthen collaboration between academia and industry.
Build a digital/tech cluster that will drive economic growth and productivity, create jobs and inward investment opportunities.
If you can help in the following ways, then we would welcome your support:
Venue sponsors - offering your venue to host Digital Staffordshire events – from meetings through to exhibitions/conferences.
Award/prize sponsorship/support.
Media and promotional sponsors.
Catering sponsors for onsite events.
Direct financial sponsors for Staffordshire Digital’s functional activities and operations.
To become a supporter please use our contact form to indicate your expression of interest and how you can help Staffordshire Digital